Being a leader people WANT to follow

About the Course

This course evolves thinking from leader-centric to partner-centric. And, unlike many leadership courses, this is not about self-help: it is a skill-building course on how to be a great leader of others! Because you’re not leading if no one is following.

FliP U presents a brand new, ‘pracademic’ leadership course: deeply rooted in science and research, and made practical with on-the-job tools, tips, case studies, and memorable stories. This course will be relevant for new people leaders and experienced leaders looking to modernize their leadership know-how and toolkit.

The modern role of leadership is not so much to delegate, evaluate, rate, rank, review, and differentiate. Rather, today’s leaders coach, chart the path, clear the path, and help people have awesome experiences in the process. It involves a lot of communicating, a huge emphasis on goals, being clear on priorities, erring to “yes”, and obsessive attention to the people side of things. It means taking personal responsibility for continually advancing your people skills.

Based on the highly regarded book, Leadership Is Half The Story: A Fresh Look At Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration (University of Toronto, Rotman Press), this ‘pracademic’ program is the next evolution of ideas of leadership and how work has changed - from leader-centric to partner-centric.

Meet the FliP U teaching team for this course

Dr. Marc Hurwitz and Samantha Hurwitz are co-authors of the best-seller Leadership Is Half The Story and co-founders of FliP University - FliPing leadership on its head with innovative professional development. 

Marc is FliP U’s Chief Insight Officer and one interesting guy! He grew up as he says, “surrounded by rats in cages, bearded academics, strong female role models and psychedelic iconography,” as the son of parents who were hippies and PhD psychologists. Though he dreamed of being a theoretical physicist or one of the Beatles, his path in life keeps pulling him back to his love of learning. Marc has Masters degrees in math and physics, an MBA, and a PhD in neuroscience. Marc teaches entrepreneurship, leadership and followership at the University of Waterloo, acts and directs community theatre, is a poet, and an avid pinball player.

Sam is FliP U’s Chief Encouragement Officer, a leadership and followership coach, consultant and CPA with tons of corporate and executive experience including 10 years as Controller of a $7 billion organization and heaps of projects. She spent her childhood creating:  costumes, surprise parties, science fair projects, speeches, stories and crafts. In high school, her assertiveness flourished as she organized sit-ins and petitioned for girls to be allowed to take wood shop instead of cooking. So naturally, Sam grew up to be an Accountant. But this oddly creative and assertive accountant soon discovered her true passion:  developing people. 

Sam and Marc recently hosted the inaugural Global Followership Conference right here in Waterloo with 130 attendees, bringing nearly 100 to our region from outside Canada. (It was a wild success :) )

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